Easy ways to open a clickbank account as a Nigerian
Easy Ways to Run an Affiliate Program on Clickbank As A Nigerian.
This report is meant to deliver information pertaining to what the subject matter is all about and should be taken as such; in as much as the information here tries to be up to date it is in no way a legal or accounting advice.
The result that would be achieved from the use of this report depends solely on how well you work with it and the level of your understanding of computer and internet, as results tend to vary based on individual capabilities and strength.
Welcome once again, today I would like to expose you to that secret which has been guarded jealously by Nigerian internet marketers.
The secret is none other than how to open and run a clickbank affiliate program from where ever you are, even in your local village in Nigeria.
Due to the profitability and no start up capital nature of affiliate programs, everyone that wants to make a reasonable money online cue into affiliate marketing, which has the potential of turning around one’s fortune in a space of weeks. Yes that’s the magic of affiliate program. But as there abound the profitability, so also lies the hitches and problems that makes the profitability seems unachievable. And one of them is the blacklisting of Nigerians from the affiliate site that seems to be the heavy weight when it comes to affiliate marketplace (clickbank).
It is now no headline news that someone in Nigeria can sign up as an affiliate marketer on clickbank, make his money, and withdraw it to his savings account here in Nigeria.
How…. You may ask? It is perfectly possible but, for you to be able to do it, you must be true to yourself that you are not going to come up with another form of scam that will stop those who are genuinely seeking for ways to make legit money from this uncovered way.
Let’s go, to be able to succeed as a legit affiliate marketer and bypass the hitches raised by clickbank against Nigerians, you must have,
1. A Graphcard or Fastecash account or a combination of both.
2. A download of hot-spot shield software.
Graphcard and Fastecash are nothing but online payment processors which help countries being blacklisted online to do business. With a free account on this website you can then acquire a Virtual address which gives you a foreign presence online and with that nobody except you can tell that you are in Nigeria.
With your free account on any of the payment processing site above you can also generate a debit card for your online shopping. But to get that done, you have to fund your account to the tune of the amount you want spend.
To get your own free account all you do is just click on these links http://www.graphcard.com or http://www.fastecash.com activate your account and you are in for a go.
Please read their terms and conditions before applying.
With that settled, you now launch your browser for a download of the hot spot shield software which is available a www.hotspotshield.anchorfree.com after downloading it, run it on your computer by going to the folder your stored it into, double click on it to install it on your system.
Once installed all left for you to do is, head straight to clickbank or any website that has refused you access in the past just for the sake of browsing with a Nigerian I.P address.
But before doing that just log on to www.dnsstuff.com to see the I.P address of the network you are using.
The good thing about this software is that, it assigns you an I.P address which gives you an American presence and provides you a professional protection and security .
You can also use this software to your own advantage in the buying of goods and services from websites that restrict your country.
With your free and activated account on http://www.graphcard.com or http://www.fastecash.com and your virtual address (American address),you then download, launch and run the hotspot shield software.
Once you are connected and your I.P address is swapped, you will discover a hotspot shield icon has turned green on your task bar.
With all these set, you are now left with your self as the only restriction to signing up on clickbank.
Head straight to clickbank and sign up as an affiliate marketer with your Virtual address from graphcard.
The good thing about this software is that you can do your online surveys and other internet businesses which have a form of restriction for your country.
So what next, do the above diligently and you are on your way to being a successful affiliate marketer, with this I hope you have no restriction whatsoever to succeed as an affiliate marketer.
To Your success
Anayo Ezinwa.
For more questions, comments, resources and information, email bemyguest2349@yahoo.com or call +2348056370712 for fast and efficient services.
If you have found this report informative or of no good use to you, please pass it on to your friends, family members, and colleague etc because someone out there may be in earnest need of this kind of information.
About the Author,
Anayo Ezinwa, a successful affiliate marketer, global payment processors funding (buying & selling of e-gold, e-bullion, PayPal, liberty reserve etc) seminar facilitator, Internet marketer, Domainer(buying and selling), Infopreneur whose uncanny tips, secrets, and unconventional tricks can be gotten by sending an email to bemyguest101@sendfree.com
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Do you know that for just #6,000 per yr you can be a proud owner of a forum website like www.nairaland.com, www.igoldforum.com, www.naijacollarjobs.com etc also register and host your domains names. Like www.yourname.com.
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Get a free report on the unconventional tricks, nitty- gritty, uncanny tips, techniques and fundamentals to getting people pay you and still run head over heels to boost the sales of you goods, products, services and seminars at the rate of 2700% in 7 days. By sending a blank email to xmarketing@sendfree.com
Get a free report on the unconventional tricks and uncanny tips to getting people pay you and still run head over heels to market you goods, seminars, services and products for free”. By emailing xmarketing@sendfree.com
This report is meant to deliver information pertaining to what the subject matter is all about and should be taken as such; in as much as the information here tries to be up to date it is in no way a legal or accounting advice.
The result that would be achieved from the use of this report depends solely on how well you work with it and the level of your understanding of computer and internet, as results tend to vary based on individual capabilities and strength.
Welcome once again, today I would like to expose you to that secret which has been guarded jealously by Nigerian internet marketers.
The secret is none other than how to open and run a clickbank affiliate program from where ever you are, even in your local village in Nigeria.
Due to the profitability and no start up capital nature of affiliate programs, everyone that wants to make a reasonable money online cue into affiliate marketing, which has the potential of turning around one’s fortune in a space of weeks. Yes that’s the magic of affiliate program. But as there abound the profitability, so also lies the hitches and problems that makes the profitability seems unachievable. And one of them is the blacklisting of Nigerians from the affiliate site that seems to be the heavy weight when it comes to affiliate marketplace (clickbank).
It is now no headline news that someone in Nigeria can sign up as an affiliate marketer on clickbank, make his money, and withdraw it to his savings account here in Nigeria.
How…. You may ask? It is perfectly possible but, for you to be able to do it, you must be true to yourself that you are not going to come up with another form of scam that will stop those who are genuinely seeking for ways to make legit money from this uncovered way.
Let’s go, to be able to succeed as a legit affiliate marketer and bypass the hitches raised by clickbank against Nigerians, you must have,
1. A Graphcard or Fastecash account or a combination of both.
2. A download of hot-spot shield software.
Graphcard and Fastecash are nothing but online payment processors which help countries being blacklisted online to do business. With a free account on this website you can then acquire a Virtual address which gives you a foreign presence online and with that nobody except you can tell that you are in Nigeria.
With your free account on any of the payment processing site above you can also generate a debit card for your online shopping. But to get that done, you have to fund your account to the tune of the amount you want spend.
To get your own free account all you do is just click on these links http://www.graphcard.com or http://www.fastecash.com activate your account and you are in for a go.
Please read their terms and conditions before applying.
With that settled, you now launch your browser for a download of the hot spot shield software which is available a www.hotspotshield.anchorfree.com after downloading it, run it on your computer by going to the folder your stored it into, double click on it to install it on your system.
Once installed all left for you to do is, head straight to clickbank or any website that has refused you access in the past just for the sake of browsing with a Nigerian I.P address.
But before doing that just log on to www.dnsstuff.com to see the I.P address of the network you are using.
The good thing about this software is that, it assigns you an I.P address which gives you an American presence and provides you a professional protection and security .
You can also use this software to your own advantage in the buying of goods and services from websites that restrict your country.
With your free and activated account on http://www.graphcard.com or http://www.fastecash.com and your virtual address (American address),you then download, launch and run the hotspot shield software.
Once you are connected and your I.P address is swapped, you will discover a hotspot shield icon has turned green on your task bar.
With all these set, you are now left with your self as the only restriction to signing up on clickbank.
Head straight to clickbank and sign up as an affiliate marketer with your Virtual address from graphcard.
The good thing about this software is that you can do your online surveys and other internet businesses which have a form of restriction for your country.
So what next, do the above diligently and you are on your way to being a successful affiliate marketer, with this I hope you have no restriction whatsoever to succeed as an affiliate marketer.
To Your success
Anayo Ezinwa.
For more questions, comments, resources and information, email bemyguest2349@yahoo.com or call +2348056370712 for fast and efficient services.
If you have found this report informative or of no good use to you, please pass it on to your friends, family members, and colleague etc because someone out there may be in earnest need of this kind of information.
About the Author,
Anayo Ezinwa, a successful affiliate marketer, global payment processors funding (buying & selling of e-gold, e-bullion, PayPal, liberty reserve etc) seminar facilitator, Internet marketer, Domainer(buying and selling), Infopreneur whose uncanny tips, secrets, and unconventional tricks can be gotten by sending an email to bemyguest101@sendfree.com
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Do you know that for just #6,000 per yr you can be a proud owner of a forum website like www.nairaland.com, www.igoldforum.com, www.naijacollarjobs.com etc also register and host your domains names. Like www.yourname.com.
Offer valid for only 17 slots, so act fast….
For more Information call +2348056370712
Get a free report on the unconventional tricks, nitty- gritty, uncanny tips, techniques and fundamentals to getting people pay you and still run head over heels to boost the sales of you goods, products, services and seminars at the rate of 2700% in 7 days. By sending a blank email to xmarketing@sendfree.com
Get a free report on the unconventional tricks and uncanny tips to getting people pay you and still run head over heels to market you goods, seminars, services and products for free”. By emailing xmarketing@sendfree.com
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