No man is an island as there can be no one on this earth who knows it all, that is everyone on this planet socializes, attaches and depends on each other for success in any form of activity.
Every day rises with different problems, stresses and struggles, so also countless solutions, tips and tricks to overcoming the ever different problems of the everyday life present itself in different forms and shades which can only be seen and made available to some people at different points in time. That summarily boils down to the reason why each and every one in this world has to come together and socialize because whatever be your problem someone has a solution for it and whatever idea you have someone somewhere is earnestly in dire need of it. That’s why the issue of forum can into existence.
Online forum is simply an online community (meeting point) of the same group of people where they meet to generally discuss issues about them.
Just like we have physical forums, so also we have virtual/online forums.
To every forum either online or offline there are basically two (2) categories of people that you normally experience their presence there.
The solution seekers
The solution creators.
Your success on an online/physical forum depends on which divide you follow.
Different people join different kinds of online forum for different things. Some join so as tap to from the knowledge of the experts on the forum while some join to provide solutions to the ever increasing problems of the forum members and in turn make money from them.
For instance, if you are a computer programmer and you happen to encounter a sort of problem while writing a program or you simply want to keep abreast with the recent developments in the programming world. All you have to do is simply go to Google and do a search for computer programmer’s forum and register on as many of them as you like.
The same is applicable for any kind of field of endeavor you find yourself in; education, real estate, music, stocks and shares etc.
Free adverts for your blog sites, websites and paid-to read programs; just like I wrote in the ebook I sent to you “8 Top tested and guaranteed online business you can start with no start up capital”(which can be downloaded for free at You can create numerous blogs, fill them with affiliate programs and adsense, sign up for get-paid to read programs etc but without driving traffic(sending visitors) to them you won’t make a dime.
Your SIG LINE on any forum acts as a free advert for all the online programs you are into and with it, you are in for major source of traffic to your online programs.
It also affords you the opportunity of learning from others. If you have any problem about any issue and you post it on an online forum site, someone who has a solution to that your problem will answer it.
Makes you money; for every problem there is a solution and for every problem you know about, there are over thousands of people experiencing that same kind of problem. If you receive an answer or solution from and expert in a different forum, you can write an e-report or ebook on that solution you have gotten, build a blog or website on that your ebook about the solution, move over to another forum as there would still be people who are looking for that same solution/information. Do a review about that your ebook on a forum site and use your Sig LINE to market and advertise your ebook and watch your sales rise to a fever pitch.
As a forum administrator(owner), you have a greater opportunity of serving adsense, serving banner adverts and also building a quick mailing list which you can lease for money or send them an informational product all for money.
For you to be successful in any online forum, you have to abide by the rules and regulations which govern the entire forum which includes
Do not go to an online forum and starting advertising any thing. The SIG LINE is all yours to use for any form of advert and not the message/post itself.
Do not use vulgar languages.
Be regular and make reasonable posts on the forum as that would make the members see you as a force to be reckoned with.
Read and apply the rules of any forum you join as you would get blacklisted should you go against any of them.
Examples of online forums you can join immediately for online success are
Finally do all of the above....
For questions, comments or suggestions email me at
To your online success
Anayo Ezinwa
No man is an island as there can be no one on this earth who knows it all, that is everyone on this planet socializes, attaches and depends on each other for success in any form of activity.
Every day rises with different problems, stresses and struggles, so also countless solutions, tips and tricks to overcoming the ever different problems of the everyday life present itself in different forms and shades which can only be seen and made available to some people at different points in time. That summarily boils down to the reason why each and every one in this world has to come together and socialize because whatever be your problem someone has a solution for it and whatever idea you have someone somewhere is earnestly in dire need of it. That’s why the issue of forum can into existence.
Online forum is simply an online community (meeting point) of the same group of people where they meet to generally discuss issues about them.
Just like we have physical forums, so also we have virtual/online forums.
To every forum either online or offline there are basically two (2) categories of people that you normally experience their presence there.
The solution seekers
The solution creators.
Your success on an online/physical forum depends on which divide you follow.
Different people join different kinds of online forum for different things. Some join so as tap to from the knowledge of the experts on the forum while some join to provide solutions to the ever increasing problems of the forum members and in turn make money from them.
For instance, if you are a computer programmer and you happen to encounter a sort of problem while writing a program or you simply want to keep abreast with the recent developments in the programming world. All you have to do is simply go to Google and do a search for computer programmer’s forum and register on as many of them as you like.
The same is applicable for any kind of field of endeavor you find yourself in; education, real estate, music, stocks and shares etc.
Free adverts for your blog sites, websites and paid-to read programs; just like I wrote in the ebook I sent to you “8 Top tested and guaranteed online business you can start with no start up capital”(which can be downloaded for free at You can create numerous blogs, fill them with affiliate programs and adsense, sign up for get-paid to read programs etc but without driving traffic(sending visitors) to them you won’t make a dime.
Your SIG LINE on any forum acts as a free advert for all the online programs you are into and with it, you are in for major source of traffic to your online programs.
It also affords you the opportunity of learning from others. If you have any problem about any issue and you post it on an online forum site, someone who has a solution to that your problem will answer it.
Makes you money; for every problem there is a solution and for every problem you know about, there are over thousands of people experiencing that same kind of problem. If you receive an answer or solution from and expert in a different forum, you can write an e-report or ebook on that solution you have gotten, build a blog or website on that your ebook about the solution, move over to another forum as there would still be people who are looking for that same solution/information. Do a review about that your ebook on a forum site and use your Sig LINE to market and advertise your ebook and watch your sales rise to a fever pitch.
As a forum administrator(owner), you have a greater opportunity of serving adsense, serving banner adverts and also building a quick mailing list which you can lease for money or send them an informational product all for money.
For you to be successful in any online forum, you have to abide by the rules and regulations which govern the entire forum which includes
Do not go to an online forum and starting advertising any thing. The SIG LINE is all yours to use for any form of advert and not the message/post itself.
Do not use vulgar languages.
Be regular and make reasonable posts on the forum as that would make the members see you as a force to be reckoned with.
Read and apply the rules of any forum you join as you would get blacklisted should you go against any of them.
Examples of online forums you can join immediately for online success are
Finally do all of the above....
For questions, comments or suggestions email me at
To your online success
Anayo Ezinwa
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