Easy step by step on how to Host Tutorial.php for India Web Proxy and By Pass MTN Firewall

How to Host Tutorial.php for India Web Proxy and By Pass MTN Firewall

Simplified Step By Step Explanation.

1. Sign up for a gmail account, if you don't have one already

2. Visit http://www.1.vg

3. Click on "Join Now"

4. Enter your registration details

5. Go to your email address to see you Login details to www.1.vg

6. Visit http://www.1.vg/login

7. Put your email address and password (given to you by 1.vg) in the boxes provided, and click on


8. You will be taken to your own "User Area"

9. Click on "Projects"

10. Click on "New Project"

11. Click on "Webspace Create"

12. Under Project Name, write or type in anything you like e.g. type in something like "This is


13. Under Project Description, write or type in anything you like.

14. Under Categories, Tick or Mark any one of the Options.

15. Click on "further"

16. Under "Subdomain", write anything you like, e.g mtncheat

17. Under "Domain", select anyone of the numerous domain options available to you eg 1.vg

This means that your new subdomain will now be something like http://mtncheat.1.vg

18. Click on "further"

19. Under "My Projects"(Located at the top left side of the page), Click on the project you just

created. In this tutorial I used "This is Cool"

20.Scroll down to the bottom of the page and copy/write down on a piece of paper the following


Server/Host.......(e.g. www23.subdomain.com)

Users.............(e.g. user925807)

Password..........the password you use to login at www.1.vg

The above server/host i.e. www23.subdomain.com represents http://mtncheat.1.vg

You will notice that after you have uploaded the tutorial.php to your server, the URL address that

will be given to you will look something like www23.subdomain.com/tutorial.php. All you will need

to do is to simply rename the URL to the original subdomain that you personally chose. i.e you

will rename the URL to http://mtncheat.1.vg/tutorial.php

21. Visit http://net2ftp.com

22. Using the the server info you just wrote down on a piece of paper, Fill in the details for FTP

Server, Username, Password.

Under "Initial directory" do not type/write anything

23. Click on "login"

24. Click on "Upload"

25. Click on "Browse".

This will help you search your computer to locate where you stored the zip india proxy software open and look for tutorial.php and php.ini files on your Computer.

26. Select them one by one.

27. Click on the green "submit" symbol to upload your files.

28. After uploading your files, click on the blue "back"button to go back to the previous page.

29. You will now see all the files you just uploaded.

30. Go to where you see tutorial.php and place your mouse cursor on "open"

31. You will see a URL address that looks like this http://www23.subdomain.com/tutorial.php .

Right click on it and select copy link location, then copy and paste it on a notepad. You can

also right click on it and select open in a new tab or new window. A new tab or new window

will open. Look at the address bar of the new tab or window to see the URL you are looking for.

32.This is the URL that you will need to put in your india web proxy. But Wait, if you put it like this,

it won't work.

To make it work, change the URL to your own subdomain i.e, change


to something like


This is because, the www23.subdomain.com represents your own personal subdomain

You can choose 4 other subdomains that can also be repesented by www23.domain.com

Every project you create at 1.vg allows you to choose up to 5 subdomains. so the server/host

URL e.g http://www23.subdomain.com/tutorial.php can represent

http://mtncheat.1.vg/tutorial.php and something like http://supercheat.co.de/tutorial.php,

plus 3 other subdomains if you also chose/added them under the same project title.

I hope that with this simplified tutorial, everyone will now be able to easily host his or her own files.

I encourage those of you that have been able to host their own tutorial.php files on other webhosts

to take time and create simplified step by step tutorials like this one so that we can collectively

help one another to Beat MTN

Then u r good to go.

Meanwhile you can use this php file to get started http://clubber3.az.gp/index_1.php

Mind you you have to create your own as this one may be stopped at any moment from now.

if you encounter any problem while setting it up feel free to call me on 08056370712 07035304716 2348184698538

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