Cheap 3g modem and 6gb data plan from Glo.
we do nothing but relax and enjoy the benefits of their competitions in
terms of price slash and more benefits.
The recent one is from Glo, where u can now get their 3G Modem with one
month 6gb of data access for just #11,000.
Yes, it does not get better than this.
As usual, you can get the Glo 3G modem with the 6gb one month data
access, use up the 6gb data and then unlock the modem to use any
(learn to unlock your huawei modem mtn, Glo, airtel, etisalat for free
and by yourself at )
Mind you the Glo 3g modem without the 6gb data plan sells for #5,000
while that of Mtn is #5,500.
So choose whichever 3g modem suites your pocket then unlock it as usual
with this link <a href=""> unlock 3g modem for
The modems can be gotten from their various offices (MTN or Glo)
depending on the network you need theirs.
Once again unlock your 3g modem Glo, Mtn, Airtel or Etisalat for free
at <a href=""> unlock 3g modem for free</a>
Then relax and enjox your 3g modem.
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