Change your 2go profile

2go mobile messenger makes provision for the change of profile information. If you registered on 2go with incorrect information there is a onetime chance on 2go to edit/change your profile information.

You can edit your location, age, name and gender. Your username cannot be changed.

Before you edit your 2go profile you should be very careful about it as you are only allowed to Update your profile once after which you can never update it again.

To update your 2go profile vist or

Select GET HELP.

You will get a message like this "You are from United States , is this correct? Yes
No, change country" 
The United states above may be any country at all. However, if the country there is your correct country, select Yes. If No, select No change country.
If you select No change country a list of countries appear from where you choose your your right country.

Next you will be prompted to select an help option. Look for and select "I want to edit my profile"

Another option comes up where you are to select "I want to change the age/gender/location on my profile"

A message finally which reads; To update your 2go profile, send an SMS with the word UPDATE to 32051 . SMS at 30NGN. (#30)
The above message and price vary from country to country. The one above is for Nigerian 2go users.

In sending the update message, make sure you send the SMS with the phone number your registered the 2go account with.

On the successful reception of your SMS, 2go will send you a reply with further instructions on how to edit your account profile.


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