GET AIRTEL 6GB FOR #200 or 9GB FOR #300
Airtel 6gb for #200 or 9gb
for #300, yes, it is for real and it not a cheat but a special method
through which subscribers on the new airtel smart trybe 2.0 prepaid
plan can get data bundle at a very cheap and affordable rate.
The new Airtel smart trybe
2.0 prepaid plan has a night data plan that offers subscribers 1.5gb
for #50 which is valid from 12:00am to 5:00am every night. The good
thing about this plan is that it can be renewed when the subscriber
exhausts the allotted data plan of 1.5gb. A smart trybe 2.0
subscriber can subscribe again, again, and again within the hours of
12:00am to 5:00am
How does it all amount to
6gb for #200 or 9gb for #300?
On airtel smart trybe 2.0
prepaid plan a subscriber gets 1.5gb for #50 which is valid from
12:00am to 5:00am. If the subscriber exhausts the 1.5gb before 5:00am
he can subscriber again for #50 making it 3gb for #100. In the same
vein if the subscriber exhausts the next 1.5g before 5:00am, he can
subscribe again for another 1.5gb for #50. If within the hours of
12:00am to 5:00am an airtel smart trybe 2.0 subscriber subscribes for
the 1.5gb night data bundle plan for 4 times, he will end up spending
#200 and getting 6gb in a single night.
Depending on the network
strength of airtel in your area you can subscribe as many times as
you want and keeping getting 1.5gb for #50. Imagine subscribing for
the smart trybe 2.0 night plan for 6 times you will be getting a
whooping 9gb for just #300 in one night.
On the flip side, airtel
smart trybe 2.0 night data plan does not rollover, any unused data
expires by 5:00am.
The 1.5gb for #50 is not
the only night plan available on the airtel smart trybe 2.0 plan.
There is also a night plan that goes for 500mb for #25.
The airtel night data plan
on smart trybe 2.0 offers just enough data for subscribers to burn on
heavy downloads, streaming, browsing and updating of PC and phone
The airtel 6gb for #200
and even 9gb for #300 can be gotten on the airtel smart trybe 2.0
prepaid plan. The plan is available to all airtel prepaid
subscribers, that is any airtel subscriber on any of their prepaid
plan can migrate to smart trybe 2,0 and enjoy the the data
To migrate to airtel smart
trybe 2.0 prepaid plan dial *312# and reply with 1
To subscribe to any of the
airtel smart trybe 2.0 night data bundle plan, dial *312# then
carefully look and reply with the corresponding number for the data
plan you want to subscribe for. For example, if you want to subscribe
for the 1.5gb night plan on smart trybe 2.0, dial *312#, reply with 3
to go to the trybe night browsing section. When you get to it reply
with 2 .
I need to remind you once
again that this plan is a night plan and is valid from 12:00am to
5:00am and a single subscription of #50 gives you 1.5gb. Subscribing
again and again at the exhaustion of the given data sums it up to
6gb. You can go beyond 6gb so long as you are within the hours of
12:00am and 5:00am, you have enough airtime to effect the
subscription and you have exhausted the one you already subscribed
Airtel smart trybe 2.0 has
other benefits aside the night browsing check the out here
airtel Nigeria
data bundle
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