Where To Buy TSTV HD Digital Satellite Decoders

It is now official, after much anticipation and tension, TSTV has finally begun the sales of their sassy satellite decoders.
After the launch of TSTV on the 1st of October 2017, customers eagerly waited to get the TSTV satellite decoders so they can enjoy the massive offers which were promised. Days rolled into weeks, weeks into months and after several months customers became weary and started to question the authenticity and genuineness of the TSTV Africa digital offering.

When customers had already given up on TSTV and their services, the company made an announcement that come 1st of April 2018 their sassy digital satellite HD decoder will be on sale. Many people took it with a pinch of salt considering what the date stands for (April Fools day) and the failure of TSTV to earlier live up to expectations.
The announcement came with a change in the original TSTV proposed offerings. The proposed offering was that TSTV will offer customers a HD satellite TV with WiFi feature which will also come together with Internet service alongside 20GB data bundle. The announcement from TSTV is also about the sale of their other digital satellite decoder called SASSY.

The sassy TSTV HD satellite decoders come without the WiFi option and as much does not support Internet service. 
The sassy decoders come with 70+ channels as against the over 200+ channels which was proposed.
The proposed HD satellite decoders with WiFi and Internet option with over 200+ channels have been reserved for yet another time which no one knows about except them.

The TSTV Sassy HD satellite decoders is officially on sale and available nationwide at the rate of #3,500. The TSTV Dexterity HD satellite decoder will be on sale later at the rate of #5,000 though the date for the sale has not yet being announced
The TSTV sassy HD satellite decoders offers the following;

70+ HD channels.
Pause subscription option for 7days only for 1 month subscriptions.

Daily subscription at the rate of #200
3days subscription at the rate #500
Weekly subscription for #750
Monthly subscription for either #1,000 and #1,500.

Pay as you Go subscription option.

PVR option (Record and watch your favorite television program at a later time).

You can pay for subscription using quickteller.

If you can no longer wait and want to get started enjoying the TSTV satellite TV magical effect, you can go and get the Sassy decoder for #3,500. 

The #3,500 covers the price for the TSTV Dish, TSTV Sassy HD Decoder and one month subscription
You can swap the sassy decoder for dexterity decoder with #2,500 when the dexterity decoder finally becomes available and get full package.

To buy the TSTV sassy decoder you need to check for the dealer nearest to you and TSTV have made it very easy and simple.

To find a TSTV dealer nearest to you go to www.tstvafrica.com/wheretobuy.php

Select your state and the site will populate all the TSTV dealers in your state with their contact details. Carefully go through it and find the dealer(s) nearest to you and go pick your TSTV HD decoder.


When you finally get your TSTV HD Sassy decoder and start watching the channels on offer kindly come back and use the comment box to tell us your experience.

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